View Full Version : Interacting with qt while other qt functions are running

5th January 2010, 15:36
I have a QGraphicsScene and QGraphicsView. When I click a button, QGraphicsItems will movearound in the scene. When this happens, I can't do anything else in my Qt app. How do I make it so that I can do other things while my QGraphicsItems are being updated?

Also, I have a stop button. I want to be able to click the stop button to stop the QGraphicsItems from moving. How do I do that?

5th January 2010, 16:04
Please show us your code. You are probably blocking the event loop. You should be using the animation framework.

5th January 2010, 16:22
class MainWidget(QWidget):
def __init__(self):

self.display = DisplayScene(self)
self.view = DisplayView(self.display)

self.playButton = QPushButton("Play")
self.stepLineEdit = QLineEdit()
def Update(self):
if self.display.nodeExist():
if int(self.stepLineEdit.text()) < self.display.getMovementSteps():
#if self.display.nodeExist():
value = self.stepSizeLineEdit.text()
self.stepSize = value
self.display.updateScene(int(self.stepLineEdit.tex t()))
def Play(self):
if self.display.nodeExist():
i = int(self.stepLineEdit.text())
totalMovementSteps = self.display.getMovementSteps()
i = i + int(self.stepSize)
#print totalMovementSteps
while i < totalMovementSteps:

i = i + int(math.ceil(totalMovementSteps / 1000.0))
graphViews = self.display.views()
graphViews [ 0 ].repaint()

class DisplayScene(QGraphicsScene):
def updateScene(self, index):
self.currentTimeStep += index - self.currentStep

self.currentStep = index

graphViews = self.views()
sceneItems = self.items()
for item in sceneItems:
self.drawScene(sceneItems, graphViews)
def drawScene(self, sceneItems, graphViews):
nodePlatformList = [ ]
for item in sceneItems:


I have a good bit of code, so i cut out a lot of it. If something is not clear, just ask. Basically what happens is I have a play button, and when I click it it cycles through a while loop to update the display scene. So I guess what I want to do is to have some way to stop the while loop.

5th January 2010, 17:05
The while loop has to go. Or at least run QApplication::processEvents() in each iteration.

Tanuki-no Torigava
8th January 2010, 00:30
May be you should stop using while loops and use asynchronous signal/slot approach?

8th January 2010, 17:03
May be you should stop using while loops and use asynchronous signal/slot approach?

Where can I get info to implement an asynchronous signal?

I got it working now with a QApplication.proccessEvents(). I can click the stop button and it will stop the while loop.