View Full Version : New to Qt. Qt components in different licenses

6th January 2010, 04:11
Hi, what i found in qt website http://qt.nokia.com/downloads that there's no different in terms of the components available in both LGPL and commercial license.
However, I just found out that SSLSocket is only available in commercial license. (Correct me if im wrong)

Is there anywhere that i can find list of differences in terms of components, etc, between the two qt licenses?


6th January 2010, 09:54
SSLSocket is deprecated, you should use the QSSLSocket which comes bundled with Qt instead. That way you can use LGPL license or Commercial license like the rest of the Qt framework.

The only real difference is what you can do with them: If you use commercial license, you can static link or modify Qt library without giving out your source code. If you don't go with a commercial license, you have to distribute any changes you make to Qt, which can mean publishing your entire application source code if you don't agree with LGPL or you statically link.