View Full Version : error compile

19th June 2006, 19:53
Hi, anyone could say me where 's the errors? Any hints? thanks

#include <myprogressdialog.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qwidget.h>
myProgressDialog::myProgressDialog(QWidget***creat or,
WFlags*f) : progressDialog (creator, name, modal, f) {

myprogressdialog.cpp(5): error C2597: illegal reference to non-static member 'myProgressDialog::QWidget*creator'
myprogressdialog.cpp(6): error C2597: illegal reference to non-static member 'myProgressDialog::constchar*name'

19th June 2006, 20:17
Are you sure that there are spaces between const and char?

19th June 2006, 20:42
yes, but what happen? I see now that in my post there are many ***; maybe but I copy and past from assitant??

19th June 2006, 20:50
yes, but what happen? I see now that in my post there are many ***; maybe but I copy and past from assitant??
If something looks like a space it not necessarily must be a space. Those could be, for example, non-breaking spaces.

27th June 2006, 18:37
Can you show your code where you have instanciated myProgressDialog.

And please make sure that your spaces look like " "(spaces). If possible repost the code in your original post.

27th June 2006, 22:21
And please make sure that your spaces look like " "(spaces).
That's the problem, they shouldn't look like spaces --- they must be spaces.