View Full Version : putting widgets

20th June 2006, 07:50
Hi I've a prob: Do anyone know how translate the gridlayout under lab? with this code grid appear halp onto lab.....thanks

FancyPopup::FancyPopup(QWidget* parent, const char* name ):
QLabel( parent, name, WType_Popup ){
QLabel* lab = new QLabel(this);
lab->setText("adding Spot light....");
gridl = new QGridLayout(this,2,2,0);
gridl->setGeometry(QRect(0,100, width(), height()-100 ));

and how to contro rowSpacing? this doesn't produce a 0 space between rows...

gridl = new QGridLayout(this,2,2,0);

20th June 2006, 08:49
Your code looks kind of odd - or you've cut out something essential... how to you apply the layout and what widgets do you put in it?