View Full Version : Problem with QT 4.6 qDebug and QString.

10th January 2010, 21:40
If I do the following code I get a compile failure;

error: no matching function for call to 'qDebug(QString&)'

QString s = "Test";

I have tried using qDebug("%s",s) and qDebug(s.toAscii()), but those don't work either.

I also tried (and I included <QDebug>):

qDebug << s;

I am sure this use to work in previous versions.

I tired a search, but no answer.

11th January 2010, 01:47
After working with for another hour I found that I can use QString.toLatin1().


Sorry, but that is flat ugly; there has to be a better way.

11th January 2010, 04:49
There is. just include #include <QDebug>

then you can just do qDebug() << str; This works perfectly for me.

Also you can do qDebug() << qPrintable(str);

11th January 2010, 17:07
It does not work for me. I get this error.

/home/me/Development/Qt-Projects/PodCastBurner/mainwindow.cpp:63: error: no match for ‘operator<<’ in ‘qDebug << msg’

Are you using 4.6?

And yes I did add this line:
#include <QDebug>

11th January 2010, 18:26
#include <QDebug>

According to qDebug (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6-snapshot/qtglobal.html#qDebug) documentation the file to include is <QtDebug> not <QDebug> and once you have included that file then you should be able to use next format of qDebug:

qDebug() << "string";

Please note the "()" charcters. If that still does not work, please provide a minimal example code with the problem.

11th January 2010, 18:59
Nope neither QDebug or QtDebug would cause this statement to work.

qDebug() << str;

Same error.

12th January 2010, 00:06
Try this:

#include <QtDebug>

int main() {
qDebug() << "Testing";
qDebug() << QString("QString works as well");
return 0;

18th March 2013, 12:15
If you're using Qt Creator, goto Projects/ Run Settings/ Run and click checkbox titled "Run in terminal"