View Full Version : QDomElement latin characters

21st January 2010, 10:43

I'm trying to get strings from an Xml file with latin characters and I tried to use QDom system.

But QDomElement:text(): giver back a QString; if I convert it after to Latin1 the "special characters" are shown as "?".

It doesn't seem to have a way to get a QByteArray from a QDomElement... and I don't want to use text stream.

Do I have any other exit?

thanks a lot!

21st January 2010, 10:56
Sorry, I wanted to post it in the QtProgramming forum. Can you move it?

Thanks, and sorry.

21st January 2010, 15:28
Ok, I have it. I didn't give a format to mi Xml file so it was ANSII because it's the Window's standard. I changed it to UTF8 and everything goes right.