View Full Version : Windows SDK setup fails (required for phonon)

21st January 2010, 19:38
If I call the 'SetEnv.cmd' for the windows SDK I get this error:

The x86 compilers are not currently installed.
Please go to Add/Remove Programs to update your installation.
Setting SDK environment relative to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0
Das Sprungziel - Set_x86 wurde nicht gefunden.

I have posted further information on this problem on this site:

basically it looks as if the Script itself is not working.
However I can not see how the Qt guys itself can compile phonon if it fails
at this point.

If I configure Qt (4.6.1) without this script Qt fails to compile at the phonon files.

Anyone with any information?

26th January 2010, 13:52
To build Qt with Phonon you need to have MSVC 2005/2008, Windows SDK and DirectX SDK.
It's vary useful to have command line script, that setting up needed envirement.
For example (MSVC 2008 + Windows 7 SDK + DirectX SDK):

@echo off

@set DEV=C:\Development
@set PATH=%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\system32
@set QTDIR=%DEV%\Qt

@echo Setting OpenSSL Env.
@set PATH=%DEV%\OpenSSL\bin;%PATH%
@set LIB=%DEV%\OpenSSL\lib
@set INCLUDE=%DEV%\OpenSSL\include

@echo Setting DirectX Env.
@set LIB=%DEV%\DirectX SDK\Lib\x86;%LIB%
@set INCLUDE=%DEV%\DirectX SDK\Include;%INCLUDE%

@echo Setting Windows SDK Env.
@set WindowsSdkDir=%DEV%\Windows 7 SDK
@set PATH=%WindowsSdkDir%\Bin;%PATH%
@set LIB=%WindowsSdkDir%\Lib;%LIB%
@set INCLUDE=%WindowsSdkDir%\Include;%INCLUDE%
@set CPU=i386
@set TARGET_CPU=x86

@echo Setting MSVC2008 Env.
@set DevEnvDir=%VSINSTALLDIR%\Common7\IDE

@echo Setting Framework Env.
@set FrameworkVersion=v2.0.50727
@set Framework35Version=v3.5
@set FrameworkDir=%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework
@set LIBPATH=%FrameworkDir%\%FrameworkVersion%;%Framewo rkDir%\%Framework35Version%;%LIBPATH%

@echo Setting Qt Env.
@set PATH=%QTDIR%\bin;%PATH%

@title Qt Framework 4.6.1 Development Kit.

cd %DEV%
This script was created by discovering setenv scripts of MSVC and SDKs by me.

26th January 2010, 13:57
I will try your script as soon as I am back at my computer. However I a sure that Directx SDK is not required, since dshow.h is part of Windows SDK.

26th January 2010, 14:01
If you don’t believe me, you can just read documentation: «Qt for Windows Requirements (http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.6/requirements-win.html)» ;)
(It’s vary easy to check...)

26th January 2010, 14:17
Ok, I give up. It is also mentioned here:

But what does this mean:

If you are using a source code package of Qt, you must first install Perl so that the syncqt script invoked by configure can be executed.

I never required such a script for compiling 4.5.x with VS 2005, nor for compilation of phonon.

26th January 2010, 14:21
Perl (and all about syncqt, etc.) is unnecessary. My script — just a convenient addition.

26th January 2010, 23:01
@Erik-Moscow: can you add the script as a file? Copy paste copies all line numbers too, which messes up the whole code.

27th January 2010, 20:18
4201 :|

27th January 2010, 20:25
Thank you, in the meanwhile I found out it is rather easy to patch setenv.cmd to work (only patch the path in a single line).
However then I have to pass the target system, which is not detected automatically and no matter what target is choses it displays afterwards:

Targeting Windows XP x86 DEBUG

************************************************** ********************************
WARNING: The VC++ Compiler Toolset is not using Windows SDK v7.0. To use Windows

SDK v7.0 use 'WindowsSdkVer.exe -version:v7.0', or alternatively you can pass the
'/useenv' switch to vcbuild.exe to use the Windows SDK v7.0 on a per project basis.
************************************************** ********************************

does this mean that SDK 7 is not useful for VC 2005 anyway?
Do I have to install the old SDK 6.1 ?

27th January 2010, 20:40
does this mean that SDK 7 is not useful for VC 2005 anyway?
Don’t know. You can read it at specification of SDK.

Do I have to install the old SDK 6.1 ?
Installed 6A at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A and NOT USED!!!!! AS IN SCRIPT!!!! *WALL* =)
Using SDK from C:\Development\Windows 7 SDK ...

27th January 2010, 21:12
Installed 6A at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A and NOT USED!!!!! AS IN SCRIPT!!!! *WALL* =)
Using SDK from C:\Development\Windows 7 SDK ...
I know that you are using SDK 7, I am just confused by the warning.
I am now compiling with SDK 7, and will test if the applications are going to work on xp

28th January 2010, 07:45
SDK 7 is not compatible with MSVC 2005 (fails to link), see also other thread: http://www.qtcentre.org/threads/27607-Compilation-of-phonon-fails

28th January 2010, 13:28
What’s the problem? Just download MSVC2008. Install it. And use it. o_O

И этoт чeлoвек — «Разpабoтчик»... *WALL*

28th January 2010, 13:30
For me at home - no problem. At work (in this case university) - we only have VS 2005.
So there is a reason to compile phonon for 2005, for 2008 I would not even try, since Qt ships the library compiled with 2008.

28th January 2010, 13:37
No other SDKs supporting Windows 7. You can try to use Qt Software SDK (mingw).