View Full Version : Newbie Question: Use same source for S60, Windows Mobile and Embedded Linux

22nd January 2010, 17:54

I'm very new to QT and started programming with QT. I used MFC and wxWidgets before. I came across Symbian and Windows Mobile and genereal Mobile-Stuff.

My question is short and very easy: Is it possible to use the same source for Symbian, Windows Mobile and Embedded Linux? Let's say i developed a S60-App. Can i compile it for Windows Mobile and Embedded Linux without changing my source files ?
Thank you very much!

25th January 2010, 21:53
Well I'm still only getting used to this process but as far as i'm concerned you can use mostly the same sources for all platforms. When I say mostly I mean that most of your business logic will be the same, there will always be a few things that may need specific implementations designed for that platform but you can have all of the platforms use the same source files and just #def out parts specific for each platform.

Hope that helped a little bit ;)