View Full Version : help positioning QGraphicsProxyWidget?

Scott Shiff
24th January 2010, 03:17
I'm doing something wrong. My QGraphicsProxyWidgets keep snapping to about (0,50) in the scene:

// create a label and position the proxy at (200,200)
QGraphicsProxyWidget *gLabel =
graphicsScene->addWidget(new QLabel("this should be at (200,200)"));

I'm attaching example code. If you run it (at least in something that slows it down like QtCreator), you can actually see the position snap from (200,200) to about (0,50).

What am I missing?

Scott Shiff
24th January 2010, 23:13
Never mind. It's a reported bug (4180) for the Mac. Not sure how I missed it.