View Full Version : Tabs in titlebar (like Google Chrome)

24th January 2010, 18:54
I'm wondering: is it possible with Qt to have a window titlebar which can contain tabs, just like Google Chrome does?
Google chrome also doesn't use a default decoration, how is it made? I know that on Linux Chrome uses GTK, but what about Qt?


25th January 2010, 04:38
Chrome just looks like a fancy tab widget.
Just think of a window without title bar and colored tab widget :)

25th January 2010, 17:19
Right. Sorry but I found out about QSplashScreen after posting :S

Shall I use a QSplashScreen for having a window without title bar or is it sufficient to use FramelessWindowHint as window flag?

When I'll have time, I'll try to implement this fancy tab widget :D I'm just gathering ideas for now.


25th January 2010, 18:36
QSplashScreen is for startup screens. It is like a pop up window.
You can have frameless hint with a QWidget.

28th January 2011, 07:51
But, how about resize window with FramelessWindowHint ??

28th January 2011, 12:06
you have to re-implement the mouseMoveEvents (with Press and release combination) and move/resize the windows. This is the single significant reason not to do it. It involves complex coding and what we gain is re-invent the wheel, which is already provided by your OS.