View Full Version : Override streaming in QuickTime phonon backend

29th January 2010, 11:18
Hi All,

I have a problem with a 2.5 GB movie that is specially streamed to Phonon backend in that the backend wants to read the whole stream before giving it to QuickTime, and it crashes because of not enough memory.

I would like to send my own special buffer, kinda like a file, with seek and such to QuickTime. Has anybody done that, is it possible. I have looked and see no chance unless I write my own class for NSData, i believe.

Any help would be appreciated.

Chris Peto

31st March 2011, 14:33
Hi ChrisPeto,

Did you ever get a solution to this problem? I'm having the exact same issue (for the exact same reasons). I submitted bug number 00269495 (https://na5.salesforce.com/5007000000G4HAw) and was advised it's a problem with the QuickTime API. I'm trying to use QMultiMedia in QtMobility but not having any luck that way.

If you, or anybody, can provide a workable solution on the Mac (whether it uses Quicktime, or confirmation that an alternative backend works successfully), I'd be very keen to hear it!
