View Full Version : WebKit: how to force plugins (flash) to stop

29th January 2010, 15:51
Hi there,

I'm using QtWebkit module to integrate a simple browser inside an own application.
When I "switch off" the browser, I'd like the plugin as well to stop working.
For example, if there's a flash video in playback when I close the browser window, I'd like to force stopping the flash plugin to render it.
Instead I can still listen to the audio playback.
I tried with:

webPage->settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::PluginsEnabled, false);

but this call only has effect when a new url is loaded.

Any hints?

1st September 2010, 19:35
Use QtWebKit.QWebPage.mainFrame().findAllElements() (using pyqt speak replace periods with colon for C) this gives you a QWebElementCollection
which leads to a QWebElement and then look for tagName() == 'EMBED' and do QWebElement .removeFromDocument ()
This will I suppose remove all plugin type elements from the page. You could do a more selective search using QWebElement.attributeNames ( ) .

Here is snippet from my pyqt webkit browser I have it run at same time as I stop the javascript.

absltlall = QtCore.QString('*')
allinframe =crnt.Mpage.mainFrame().findAllElements ( absltlall)
for z in allinframe:
if z.tagName() == 'EMBED':
z.removeFromDocument ()

The above seems to work OK for me. . It is not completely pretty. Sometimes the element is removed and sometimes it is replaced with a blank space.

I do not understand that CSS selector selector stuff and maybe you do not have to go through all the elements but use something more intelligent than my QtCore.QString('*') in the findAllElements ( )

2nd September 2010, 12:59
If you don't need the page anymore then delete it. Closing a webview will not cause it to be deleted automatically.

10th September 2010, 15:31
Thank you for your replies, both methods work for me.
Second is quick and clean, the only drawback is that it erases the history.
