View Full Version : communication between QT application and python

30th January 2010, 10:46

I want to set up an IPC between a QT application and an python application. The python appl needs to send events with data to the QT appl and QT needs to send a answer. Does someone has a idea what I should use ? Can I use QDBUS or QCOPChannel for that ?

30th January 2010, 13:44
Can I use QDBUS or QCOPChannel for that ?
That's exactly their purpose, so yes, you should use one of them. Which one to use is up to you, but keep in mind that QCopChannel is to Qt Embedded only.

1st February 2010, 10:47
I decide to use DBUS for the communication. I looked into the document and I found out that you can set up a peer-to-peer connection using QDBUSServer. On the internet I found that QDBUsServer isn't working (http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-186). Does somebody knows if it works in QT4.6 ? Where can I find an example