View Full Version : Selection window

2nd February 2010, 17:11
Hello all!
I'm very new to QT, but I'd like to do a selection window.
I have a first window (main window) in which I have a customer field. I have a button to search for a customer, and when I click on it, I open a dialog with search fields that display the contents of a query in a QTableView. Up to here, everything looks good.
Now, I'd like to select a customer from my list and pass it back to my main window.
I've done some searching and I can't figure it out... Could someone please help me and tell me what to do?
Thanks in advance for your time

6th February 2010, 10:10
The easiest way is to have a getter in the dialog to return the currently selected customer and then show the dialog blocking from the mainwindow using exec and evaluate that getter afterwards.