View Full Version : Build an external dialog

6th February 2010, 17:30
I'm developing an audio editor derived from QMainApplication and now I would build a little external dialog containing a track list.
I would give the possibility to the user to drag and drop the name of the track into the main application and the main application automatically open it to edit. How can I do it?
I started with the designer with a QPlainTextEdit to contain the name of the audio tracks.
But where I have to pute the source code? And how the dialog can interactue with the main application?

Best Regards,

6th February 2010, 17:49
Have a look at Drag & Drop (http://doc.trolltech.com/latest/dnd.html).

6th February 2010, 18:11
Have a look at Drag & Drop (http://doc.trolltech.com/latest/dnd.html).

Hi my first problem is how to build the dialog