View Full Version : Make QDial ignore user input

10th February 2010, 17:47
I'd appreciate suggestions on an elegant, simple way to make QDials ignore user input but accept programmatic input.

I could make a new class derived from QDial and override several event handlers, but I am curious if I missed some obvious 1-liner or similar.

10th February 2010, 19:15
setEnabled(false) ?

17th February 2010, 16:46
Thank you for the reply. Unfortunately, disabling the control makes it ignore all programmatic input until it is re-enabled. I'd still like to be able to set its position by calling its set functions.

17th February 2010, 17:54
I haven't tried, but following should work:
Subclass QDial
add a custom slot where you set a privat bool (acceptUserInput)
reimp mouse***event, there redirect the event to the base class only if acceptUserInput is true

Should work and in done in < 5 minutes!

17th February 2010, 18:52
I have had 5 minutes time...
class MyDial : public QDial
explicit MyDial(QWidget *parent = 0) : QDial(parent), m_enable(true) {}
void setUserInputEnabled(bool enable)
m_enable = enable;
setFocusPolicy(m_enable ? Qt::WheelFocus : Qt::NoFocus);

void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
if(m_enable) QDial::mouseMoveEvent(e);
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
if(m_enable) QDial::mousePressEvent(e);
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
if(m_enable) QDial::mouseReleaseEvent(e);
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e)
if(m_enable) QDial::keyPressEvent(e);
void keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *e)
if(m_enable) QDial::keyReleaseEvent(e);
void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *e)
if(m_enable) QDial::wheelEvent(e);

bool m_enable;

Maybe there are other events you want to disable.
