View Full Version : QgraphicsView performance

12th February 2010, 09:22
Hi All,

In my app. I am having almost > 15K rectangles and 20 K+ line drawn between these rectangles. I am using QT 4.5.1 on Window & Linux. But the preformance on Linux is slower than on Windows ???
Can anybody tell me tricks/tips to improve performance. ???
The rectangels are of QGraphicsItem and lines if of type QGraphicsLineItem and needs to be interactive/selectable. Performance gets down whenever I do zoom in/out operation on QGraphicsView.

Thanks in advance.


12th February 2010, 10:25
First try to play around with different graphics backends: Pass -graphicssystem raster or -graphicssystem opengl as command line args to your app and see whether it makes any difference.

15th February 2010, 11:54
Thanks for your reply.
I tried raster & opengl option ..but it didnt help me .
Do you have another idea ?
