View Full Version : Qt 4.6.1 and Visual Studio 2008[SOLVED]

15th February 2010, 16:19

I've just updated my application to Qt 4.6.1 and Visual Studio 2008. Last version I was using was Qt 4.3.0 and Visual Studio .NET 2003.

The application don't link. I've also tryied to create a new Qt application and it don't link.
The linker errors are:

Error 1 error LNK2019: sÃ*mbolo externo "__declspec(dllimport) public: void __thiscall std::locale::facet::_Register(void)" (__imp_?_Register@facet@locale@std@@QAEXXZ) sin resolver al que se hace referencia en la función "class std::ctype<char> const & __cdecl std::use_facet<class std::ctype<char> >(class std::locale const &)" (??$use_facet@V?$ctype@D@std@@@std@@YAABV?$ctype@D @0@ABVlocale@0@@Z) qtmaind.lib
Error 2 error LNK2019: sÃ*mbolo externo "__declspec(dllimport) public: static unsigned int __cdecl std::ctype<char>::_Getcat(class std::locale::facet const * *)" (__imp_?_Getcat@?$ctype@D@std@@SAIPAPBVfacet@local e@2@@Z) sin resolver al que se hace referencia en la función "class std::ctype<char> const & __cdecl std::use_facet<class std::ctype<char> >(class std::locale const &)" (??$use_facet@V?$ctype@D@std@@@std@@YAABV?$ctype@D @0@ABVlocale@0@@Z) qtmaind.lib
Error 3 error LNK2019: sÃ*mbolo externo "__declspec(dllimport) public: static unsigned int __cdecl std::ctype<unsigned short>::_Getcat(class std::locale::facet const * *)" (__imp_?_Getcat@?$ctype@G@std@@SAIPAPBVfacet@local e@2@@Z) sin resolver al que se hace referencia en la función "class std::ctype<unsigned short> const & __cdecl std::use_facet<class std::ctype<unsigned short> >(class std::locale const &)" (??$use_facet@V?$ctype@G@std@@@std@@YAABV?$ctype@G @0@ABVlocale@0@@Z) qtmaind.lib
Error 4 fatal error LNK1120: 3 externos sin resolver C:\ProvaQt4.6-Vs2008\ProvaQt4.6-Vs2008\Debug\ProvaQt4.exe

The Visual Studio version I'm using is in Spanish language so the errors are showed in this language.

Exporting the project to a simple PRO file and compiling it using command line works fine.

Any idea?


Finally I solved it. It seems that I need to change the Qt used version of the Project. Menu "Qt", "Qt Project Settings" and set Version to your Qt version.