View Full Version : Progress Bar set value inside OpenMP parallel for

17th February 2010, 23:15
Dear All,

I would like to know if someone can help me in this situation:
I have a openmp parallel for and I would like to put progress bar increment inside like:

#pragma omp parallel for
for(int n..){
for(int i...){
for(int j...){
//my stuff
emit progressbar(n); //it doesn't work correctly and also increment calculation time.

But obviously it doesn't work, is there any way to perform this kind of idea?
Thank you very much for any kind of help.

18th February 2010, 07:08
Since you are parallelizing the process, you actually don't know how far in the process you are -- you cannot trust n to be the actual progress. If you use the QtConcurrent system, you can get progress tracking using QFuture. You might have some overhead then, though. You could also increase a counter at the end of a cycle and emit the counter's value at given intervals (or every cycle). Make sure it's thread-safe though. OpenMP has a lock for such things as well I think.

18th February 2010, 19:51
Thank you very much for your answer.