View Full Version : [PyQt] QString and QDateTime vs. string and datetime

29th June 2006, 15:44
I'm just an amateur developer playing about with my (rather complex) pet project, which I've ported form PyQt3 to PyQt4.

In the pure python part of my program I was doing things with python string and datetime; in Qt4 I find QString and QDateTime which seem to do some things in a similar fashion but not all, and documentation is not very clear.

On the one hand I am tempted to use QDateTime objects directly (as they are input) on the other I would feel more comfortable in transforming them to python datetimes and working with those.

So to the question - anybody have a link to some document explaining the workings of QString and QDateTime in a simple fashion, for plain dumb people ?

Any chance of ever seeing a decent PyQt4 book without having to write it myself ?

30th June 2006, 05:24
i dont know Python, but to me QString and QDateTime are wonderful class that is extremely easy to use, and much better than the one cum from standard library