View Full Version : Why isnt MyItemDelegate working??? please help!

23rd February 2010, 23:00
so i am trying to get an icon to fill up the space of a QTableWidgetItem. so i subclassed the ItemDelegate and set it to my QTableWidget, but still, the icons wont fill out the item in the table.

here is my code... below is what i have at the top of my *.cpp file

class MyItemDelegate: public QItemDelegate
MyItemDelegate(QObject* pParent = 0) : QItemDelegate(pParent)
std::cout<<"INSIDE DELEGATE PAINT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"<<std::endl;
void MyItemDelegate::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const
QIcon icon = qvariant_cast<QIcon>(index.data(Qt::DecorationRole));
drawBackground(painter, option, index);
drawDecoration(painter, option, option.rect, icon.pixmap(option.rect.size()));
drawFocus(painter, option, option.rect);
std::cout<<"INSIDE DELEGATE PAINT"<<std::endl;

and here is where i am setting the delegate to my table

mThumbArea->setItemDelegate(new MyItemDelegate(mThumbArea));

here is where i add the icon to the table

QTableWidgetItem *newItemImage = new QTableWidgetItem(QIcon(filename),"");

filename is valid, and the item is successfully added to the table, its just that the icon is much too small... what is happening!!!

24th February 2010, 01:20
QIcon.pixmap() says:

Returns a pixmap with the requested size, mode, and state, generating one if necessary. The pixmap might be smaller than requested, but never larger.
Maybe go:

Just to see if it get's bigger?

24th February 2010, 14:03
No that didnt change the size. the icon is still scaled down and shoved to the left side of the item box.

24th February 2010, 15:59
anyone have any ideas? ive been banging my head against my computer all day yesterday and today... i cant seem to figure out what the problem is!

24th February 2010, 19:22
do i have to continuously set my item delegate whenever i am trying to add an item to my table or do i only need to set the item delegate once in the constructor of my class... seriously... i dont know what im doing wrong... trying EVERYTHING!