View Full Version : Problem With QWebView

25th February 2010, 08:14
Hi All,
A novice here, I am wondering if someone can assist here. Small example.

I am trying to create some code which will open external websites via the browser, but local html files via QWebView.
Anyone have some examples how I can do this.

25th February 2010, 08:54
Well, I guess if you know which websites are local and which aren't its just a simple if statement. Like:

if (local)
myWebView.load (url);
QProcess::execute (browser, url)

25th February 2010, 18:01
Thanks for the reply, I actually doing it different.

I am querying the url which I create with custom tags and based on that using DelegateAllLinks and DontDelegateAllLinks. The launch using qwebview, or external htmlview or
launch as an application.