View Full Version : Qt communicating with USB device

28th February 2010, 22:08
Hello again,

One of the first projects I'm wanting to use Qt for is to communicate with a USB enabled device. Does Qt have native USB support? If not, what are your recommendations. This would initially be for the Windows platform.

28th February 2010, 22:25
There is no native support for USB in Qt. If you are on Windows. Use the Windows API for USB.

28th February 2010, 22:47
Sounds good. I'll look in that direction. Thanks

1st March 2010, 00:54
Is there anyone that could supply me some examples of Qt using the Windows API for USB? I don't currently understand (still and noob) what classes are used to connect Qt with outside APIs.


1st March 2010, 13:41
You don't need a class to talk to outside APIs, just include the appropriate header files as per MSDN.

You'll probably need the Windows DDK too.

1st March 2010, 19:29
Understood. Thanks

2nd March 2010, 17:02

How to Use WinUSB to Communicate with a USB Device (http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/connect/usb/winusb_howto.mspx) .

Unfortunately WinUSB doesn't support isochronous transefer, so I'm doubting I'll be able to stream video off a remote webcam using this, but it'll do for starters. The link has a downloadable whitepaper.