View Full Version : QTableWidget and stop refresh

3rd March 2010, 09:35
Hello to all the forum, this is my first message! I like this forum and it was helpfull more than one time.

I need stop the refresh in my grid (in WxWidgets the funcion are BeginBatch() and EndBatch()).
I want to insert a timer that every 300 msec made a refresh of the grid and then a sortByColumn(), because I have many update for second and do every time a sortByColumn take too much time. I don't want to show data that are not in order, so i need to stop refresh and make a refresh only every 300 msec.
Is possible to do this? thanks!
(I hope that the question is understandable, my english is not so good! :) )


3rd March 2010, 15:37
I've tried with setUpdatesEnabled(bool), but this function is not good for me, because if I click some element of the grid (I need to copy the content on the clipboard) the string copied is not the visualized, the program take the updated QWidgetItem and not the blocked item.