View Full Version : QTimeEdit : displayformat

3rd March 2010, 14:11

I enter a value in my QTimeEdit like 900 ( displayformat hhmm) so this value is 09:00, but i want in my widget that the value is 09:00 and not 0900.

With the format hh:mm, we can't entered directly 900...

Someone has an idea ?

My code :

#include "TimeEdit.h"

#include <QTime>

TimeEdit::TimeEdit( QWidget * parent )
: QTimeEdit( parent )
setDisplayFormat( "hhmm" );
setCorrectionMode( QAbstractSpinBox::CorrectToNearestValue );



int TimeEdit::minutes() const
return time().hour() * 60 + time().minute();

void TimeEdit::setMinutes( int minutes )
setTime( QTime( minutes / 60, minutes % 60, 0 ) );