View Full Version : complete tablewidget

10th March 2010, 13:07
I create an object with tableWidget have. I take information from the database and the inside of the display. Also able to create the new column. How to access row columns was?

debian forums (http://www.debian-ir.com/community)

10th March 2010, 13:45
Are you able to show data in your tablewidget ? If yes I guess you are using QTableWidgetItem.
You can access that item through QTableWidget::item

10th March 2010, 21:11
How to access the rows and columns have data in it do instead? For example, the first row and first column and the second and third

11th March 2010, 02:07
to acess data

tableWidget.item(line, row)

to set data

tableWidget.item(line, row)->setText("some text");