View Full Version : (Solved) Wrong case, sorry

6th July 2006, 11:44
qtdesigner seems to not handle QLabel shape ok.
One can not set it properly to NoFrame/Plain.
Property editor says it is NoFrame/Plain but
display shows that it is not the case. A quick
look at ui file confirm this.
The weird thing is that shape is a QFrame part and
the property editor works well for this part on QFrame.
I guess this is because NoFrame/Plain is normally the
default on QLabel...
Same behaviour in 4.1.2 and 4.1.4
Should I file a bug ?

Edit: I misinterpreted a colleague's code and did not see that the Label where surrounded by a frame. Sorry again. :o

18th July 2006, 12:11
Should I file a bug ?

It's best to first assume that the error is in your code and is not a result of a buggy library code. Very often programmers are so vain they think they don't do any mistakes and everything that doesn't work has to be because someone else blew the job. Often also things which are considered bugs are really features and simply the programmer didn't understand the intention of the function author. Sometimes programmers are lazy enough not to take a closer look at the function and they cry that the function doesn't work, but they don't notice that a particular call returns a modified copy of the object without changing the original, etc.