View Full Version : 3D Effect

15th March 2010, 11:43
I'd like to give a deeper 3D effect to some widgets like combo boxes, line edit(s), tabs ecc.. My intention is to bring the border thickness from 1 to 2 pixels.
I need (if possible) to avoid to work with stylesheet, because if I add a stylesheet property, I lost all the other like background color, ecc.
Thank you in advance.

15th March 2010, 11:49
Some (maybe most) widgets allow their border style and thickness to be set through designer.

15th March 2010, 11:52
I'd like to give a deeper 3D effect to some widgets like combo boxes, line edit(s), tabs ecc.. My intention is to bring the border thickness from 1 to 2 pixels.
I need (if possible) to avoid to work with stylesheet, because if I add a stylesheet property, I lost all the other like background color, ecc.

I think in the end you will have to develop a dedicated style using QStyle API. You can see if there are style hints for controlling the bevel.