View Full Version : equilvalent of fifo in Qt

7th July 2006, 13:14
i am looking for equivalent of posix fifo in Qt.
Will Qfile do? or anyone can tell me some condition on which i can check availablitiy of data in fifo besides read that beomes a continuous loop.


7th July 2006, 13:43
FIFO just mean First In First Out.
LIFO means Last In First Out.
It can be implemented in various places.
So if for example you use QList, you can implement both operations depending on how you use the push_front() push_back() pop_front() pop_back() calls...

8th July 2006, 11:31
i was looking for a Qt classs which provide me functionality over IPC fifo, generated by mkfifo() system call.
like for sockets we have QtcpSocket .
I couldn't find one. Anyways , can someone help me(its non qt now)knowing when a process writes to fifo, how i will get to know. i don't want to go for continuous read over it.

or you can suggest me other way. i have a process which makes a fifo start writing to it. how i can read from but i don't want to go for continuous loop of reading.