View Full Version : connection problem

7th July 2006, 22:01
I have a list view and for some reason my app can't find one of its signals:

Object::connect: No such signal QListView::activated(QModelIndex&index)
Object::connect: (sender name: 'directory_listView')
Object::connect: (receiver name: 'RecordDialog')

Here is the connection statement I use:
connect( ui.directory_listView, SIGNAL( activated(const QModelIndex & index) ), this, SLOT( fileActivated(const QModelIndex & index) ) );

The docs say QListView inherits the activated(const QModelIndex & index) signal from QAbstractView.

Any ideas?

7th July 2006, 22:14
Ah ... I should have taken the names out.

connect( ui.directory_listView, SIGNAL( activated(const QModelIndex &) ), this, SLOT( fileActivated(const QModelIndex &) ) );

instead of

connect( ui.directory_listView, SIGNAL( activated(const QModelIndex & index) ), this, SLOT( fileActivated(const QModelIndex & index) ) );