View Full Version : How can I set where a Qt app finds a Qt lib?

23rd March 2010, 02:57
I would like to include libQtGui.so.4 libQtNetwork.so.4 and libQtCore.so.4 in the same directory as where my app resides. How would I make Qt understand this? y purpose is to have a standalone app that uses shared libraries

24th March 2010, 15:45
what OS you work on?If Mac OS X, i'll save you a lot of time, because i had the same problem.
The only think you can do is:

1.Open Terminal
2.Enter in the folder where is your .app file
3.enter: macdeployqt yourfile.app

You'll notice that the size of the .app file will become about 36-37MB All libraries that your application needs will be automatically included in the app bundle :)

24th March 2010, 18:45
thanks alot, im on linux actually and have found how to do it but I also do Mac stuff and Im sure it will come in handy. The way I did it was to add a special directive in my .pro file but I think it is possible to do it using QLibrary. The special directive I added was

QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,-rpath=\\\$\$ORIGIN
I put theQt libs in my project directory and added LIBS+= libQt.so.4 in my .pro file.