View Full Version : QList class member and item operations

25th March 2010, 17:07
Hi all.
i have a non-really-qt related newbie problem that you surely can solve easily.

i have a class 'Model' which holds some members. one of thos is a QList.
this is the code for that class:


#ifndef MODEL_H
#define MODEL_H

#include <QList>

class Model
QList<QString> list() const;


QList<QString> m_list;

#endif // MODEL_H


#include "model.h"
#include <QString>


QList<QString> Model::list() const
return m_list;

when i execute this snippet of code:

Model m;

qDebug() << "Before clear()";
for(int i=0;i<m.list().count();i++)
qDebug() << m.list().at(i);


qDebug() << "After clear()";
for(int i=0;i<m.list().count();i++)
qDebug() << m.list().at(i);

i get this output:

"Before clear()"
"After clear()"

i think that the problem is the fact that calling m.list() returns me a copy of the QList instead of a reference to it.
i think that one way to solve this is returning a pointer to the QList instead, but i'm wondering if there is another way to do this avoiding pointers.

sorry for the long post and thanks if you read since here :)

25th March 2010, 17:38
i think that the problem is the fact that calling m.list() returns me a copy of the QList instead of a reference to it.
Yes it returns a copy as per the implementation you have done !
What do you want reference for ? May be if you tell what you want to do more, we can suggest some better way.

25th March 2010, 18:05
the needs i have on that member are:

insert a new item in the list;
get all items;
delete all items;

by now, i have those 3 functions exposed in 3 public methods in my model:

insertItem(QString item); //note that the type is not QString normally

i think this is a fat interface, because the method items().clear() exists but "doesn't work" and clearItems() shouldn't be there.
hope my needs are clear