View Full Version : Static Qt+Webkit 4.6.2 Link Errors

29th March 2010, 12:32
Greetings All,

I'm trying to embed the WebKit control into my app statically (i.e. no need for Qt/WebKit dlls).
I did the following:
0: I installed ActivePerl
1: Set environment variables
2: Configured Qt:

C:\Qt\4.6.2>configure -release -static -opensource -fast -exceptions -no-accessibility -rtti -no-stl -no-opengl -no-openvg -incredibuild-xge -no-style-motif -no-style-cde -no-style-windowsce -no-style-windowsmobile -no-style-s60 -qt-gif -qt-libpng -qt-libtiff -qt-libjpeg -qt-libmng -no-qt3support -no-openssl -no-dbus -platform win32-msvc2008 -arch windows -webkit -declarative
3: Opened projects.sln in MS VS 2008 and build in release mode

All went well, with some warnings but no errors.
However, when I try to build a Qt app that uses WebKit I get the following link errors:

1> Creating library C:\Users\Geeko\Desktop\Qt\TestQ\Release\TestQ.lib and object C:\Users\Geeko\Desktop\Qt\TestQ\Release\TestQ.exp

1>QtWebKit.lib(PluginPackageWin.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _VerQueryValueW@16 referenced in function "class WebCore::String __cdecl WebCore::getVersionInfo(void * const,class WebCore::String const &)" (?getVersionInfo@WebCore@@YA?AVString@1@QAXABV21@@ Z)

1>QtWebKit.lib(PluginPackageWin.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _GetFileVersionInfoW@16 referenced in function "private: bool __thiscall WebCore::PluginPackage::fetchInfo(void)" (?fetchInfo@PluginPackage@WebCore@@AAE_NXZ)

1>QtWebKit.lib(PluginPackageWin.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _GetFileVersionInfoSizeW@8 referenced in function "private: bool __thiscall WebCore::PluginPackage::fetchInfo(void)" (?fetchInfo@PluginPackage@WebCore@@AAE_NXZ)

1>QtWebKit.lib(PluginDatabaseWin.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _imp_PathRemoveFileSpecW@4 referenced in function "class WebCore::String __cdecl WebCore::safariPluginsDirectory(void)" (?safariPluginsDirectory@WebCore@@YA?AVString@1@XZ )

1>QtWebKit.lib(PluginDatabaseWin.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _imp_SHGetValueW@24 referenced in function "void __cdecl WebCore::addWindowsMediaPlayerPluginDirectory(clas s WTF::Vector &)" (?addWindowsMediaPlayerPluginDirectory@WebCore@@YA XAAV?$Vector@VString@WebCore@@$0A@@WTF@@@Z)

1>QtWebKit.lib(PluginDatabaseWin.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _imp_PathCombineW@12 referenced in function "void __cdecl WebCore::addMacromediaPluginDirectories(class WTF::Vector &)" (?addMacromediaPluginDirectories@WebCore@@YAXAAV?$ Vector@VString@WebCore@@$0A@@WTF@@@Z)

1>C:\Users\Geeko\Desktop\Qt\TestQ\Release\TestQ.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 6 unresolved externals
Any ideas how to solve this ?

Many thanks in advance.

31st March 2010, 06:34
No way ! Am I the only one who encountered this issue ?!

20th June 2010, 01:03
I'm seeing something very similar.

20th June 2010, 05:06
Try searching in stackoverflow.com