View Full Version : separate .ui file from the application

30th March 2010, 08:59
hi ...
i have a project to do... in which the gui of the application has to be on one pc... and the processing functions and everythin on the server.. basically a client server architecture... however... the gui has to physically reside on the client... can i do this using qt... i need to solve this quick...plz help

30th March 2010, 09:08
You can but there is no quick way to do it. You have to implement a full-fledged thin client and a server that it will communicate with.

30th March 2010, 09:18
i am using apache tomcat server..
m just not being able to start... wat do i first need to do... m sorry if the questions are stupid... m only a student.. n m new to this...!
is it something like
the main and .ui reside on the client.... how do i access the functions on the server... is it like inter process communication!

30th March 2010, 09:47
With Tomcat You must talk with http protocol, ordinary saying like www browser.

30th March 2010, 09:50

u dn't need apache tomcat server if your server application is build in Qt.

U will require to write server and client application to do so in Qt. For Remote methond invokation (RMI) in Qt, refer http://code.google.com/p/interprocesssignalpropagator/