View Full Version : Increase the distance between two lines in QTextEdit

30th March 2010, 14:33

I am using QTextBrowser to display some information like its having Title in Bold and then few bullet points after the title.

I am able to create the title in BOLD , then .append(NULL) to go to next line.

QTextListFormat::Style style = QTextListFormat::ListDisc; is used to create the bullet points and after each point I am doing textBrowser.append(NULL); to goto the next line.

But now the problem is I just want to insert on blank line after each bullet point text line.If I use .append(NULL) it will insert the blank line along with the bulett.

I Hope there should some way to increase the gap between two lines.

30th March 2010, 22:08
Either set a bigger margin for the text block in question using QTextBlockFormat or find a way to increase the line height of the text (as far as I remember there is a way to do it).