View Full Version : QString problem?

31st March 2010, 12:24
QString userentry = ui->lineEdit->text();.

Now i need to loop through each character of the string and find the a matching charecter "A"

if( userentry[i] == 'A' )


I am getting error

31st March 2010, 12:38
What error do you get? use userentry.length() instead of fixed integer. See also QString::indexOf().

31st March 2010, 14:34
how can I get each character of Qsrting?

Native C++ style:
char userenter[30]; int i;

userenter[]="god is great";

for(i=0; i<= 29; i++)
cout << userenter[i] << endl;


how to do it with QString?

31st March 2010, 15:09
QString str = "fooBar";
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i)
qWarning() << str.at(i); // or str[i]

31st March 2010, 16:32
You can also use QString::indexOf , cant you :rolleyes:

31st March 2010, 17:03
Native C++ style:
char userenter[30]; int i;

userenter[]="god is great";

for(i=0; i<= 29; i++)
cout << userenter[i] << endl;


how to do it with QString?

QString userenter;

userenter ="god is great";

for(int i=0; i<= userenter.size(); i++)
cout << userenter[i] << endl;


By the way, your code is incorrect.

31st March 2010, 18:03
Thanks for your valuable reply! :)

It is clear.