View Full Version : tab order not working properly for radio buttons

1st April 2010, 14:34

I have a set of radio buttons with many others widgets like two line edits, one combo box and few labels.
The tab order is not working as it is set in designer for radio buttons. Its directly going to 1st line edit from the 1st radio button.
But I want it to 1st radio button -> 2nd radio button -> 3rd radio button -> 1st line edit. (this is how they are layed out).

When i made "auto exclusive " property for all the radio buttons the tab order is working fine.(but i want them to be mutually exclusie..one one should be selected a particular time).

what is that I m missing?

Thanks and Regards.

1st April 2010, 14:58

i got to know that it is the standard behavior from the folowing link.

Arrow keys are used to select the auto exclusive radio buttons and pressing tab takes the focus to next group.