View Full Version : Build 64bit Qt on 32bit XP

7th April 2010, 15:00
When I try build qt from the c:\qt\4.6.2 directory. I open a command X64 cross compile command window for Visual Studio and I'm using the command line below -

configure.exe -no-qt3support -no-qmake -qt-style-plastique -qt-style-cleanlooks -qtlibinfix _64_ -no-dbus -no-webkit -ltcg

But the first thing that happeans after the build starts is that the first thing that happeans is that 64 bit versions of moc, rcc and uic are built. Then when they try to run, things don't work. Is there a way to configure the command line so that those don't get built?

8th April 2010, 06:27
do u mean uic,moc and rcc ?? well they are required for your Qt to build.

Problem is not that. problem is the way your compiling it. You have to cross compile it. that way qmake, uic, rcc and moc will be build for your machine but toolchain will be used for 64 bit to build of binary and shared libs.

The same way we build from host machine to target machine for ARM or other platforms.

I hope that helps you

2nd March 2011, 09:28
I use 32 bit qmake to build uic, but failed!