View Full Version : Make QTreeView cover the whole screen

8th April 2010, 11:49

I have a very simple layout. It is a QStackedWidget and inside this widget I display a QTreeView and below that a button, like this (the editor messes with the | on the right side so I removed them).

| QTreeView
| button

The problem is that there is a "margin" around the QTreeView i.e it does not go all the way out to the left, right and top, so it looks more like this:

|| QTreeView
| button

I just want the QTreeView to cover as much has possible of the screen. I have tried the CSS properties margin, border-width and padding but it did not make any difference, so I wonder:

How can I make the QTreeView go all the way out to the borders to maximize the screen utilization?


8th April 2010, 12:38
Are tree view and button in same widget of the current widget in QStackWidget ?
Try to set margins of the layout that treeview and button are in.

8th April 2010, 16:33
No, the StackedWidget is ontop of the buttons and they are put there with a QVboxLayout like this:

QVBoxLayout* vLayout = new QVBoxLayout(centralWidget);

vLayout->addWidget(stackedWidget); //This widget contains the QTreeView

I have tried with the stylesheets and now also with setContentsMargin(0,0,0,0) both on the QTreeView and the StackedWidget which contains it but it has not changed anything.

8th April 2010, 17:10
Aha, it was the margins of the layout that was the problem. setMargin(0) on the layout solved the problem.