View Full Version : Opening local flash(.swf) file in QtWebKit?

14th April 2010, 15:33

In my application I have a QWebView where i load a flash (.swf) QUrl.
This works very well.

But when I try to open a flash file locally stored (same file downloaded and stored on the harddrive) it fails. Nothing is displayed.

I have tried modifying setting which could affect this but with no success. Example of these setting are:
settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::LocalContentCanAccessRe moteUrls, true);
settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::LocalStorageEnabled, true);
settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::PluginsEnabled, true);

Have someone experienced this problem before or can give me hints where the fault may be?

24th March 2011, 15:22
Here is a snippet of code that works on windows and linux that I use for a QGraphicsWebView, where the filename is stored in FlashFile:

QFileInfo info(FlashFile);
QString path = info.absolutePath() + "/";
QString fname = FlashFile;
QUrl baseUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(path);
#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
QString wmode = "opaque";
QString wmode = "transparent"; // works best for windows
QString html = QString("<html><body><embed src='%1' wmode='%2' width=%3 height=%4>"
setHtml(html, baseUrl);