View Full Version : Qt types exposed as Variant in javascript

15th April 2010, 00:24

In exposing my C++ objects to javascript, I have properties of types QSizeF, QColor and other Qt types:

class Control : public QGraphicsWidget{
Q_PROPERTY (QSizeF size READ getSize WRITE setSize )
Q_PROPERTY (QColor bgColor READ getBgColor WRITE setBgColor)

These properties are converted to Variant in javascript, so this code won't work :

myControl = new Control();
myControl.size.height = 40;

What do I have to do to access these properties in javascript? Do I have to set a default prototype for QSizeF and others, or do I have to create my own Size,Color, classes?

Thank you,

15th April 2010, 17:08
answering my own question in case a fellow newbie encounters the same....

QScriptValue toScriptValueQPointF(QScriptEngine *engine, const QPointF &s) {
QScriptValue obj = engine->newObject();
obj.setProperty("x", QScriptValue(engine, s.x()));
obj.setProperty("y", QScriptValue(engine, s.y()));
return obj;

void fromScriptValueQPointF(const QScriptValue &obj, QPointF &s) {

int main() {
QScriptEngine engine;
qScriptRegisterMetaType(&engine, toScriptValueQPointF, fromScriptValueQPointF);