View Full Version : Can I use delegate to catch mouse and keyboard events

29th April 2010, 12:00

I have a tree view with two columns, like this:

Some text here in column1 row 1................Column 2 here
Some text here in column1 row 2................Column 2 here
Some text here in column1 row 3................Column 2 here

I need to detect two scenarios:
1. On a device with a mouse or touchscreen. I need to detect if the user clicks in Column 2. Right now I am dling this by overriding onClicked(const QModelIndex & index). However the view already has a delegate, can this delegate also take care of the mouse click directly or will this not provide any benefit. Which is the best way to go?

2. The exact same scenario but on a device without mouse or touchscreen. If the user is currently on row 2 for instance. I want to catch a click on the Right Arrow key to perform the same action as if the user had clicked in column 2. Would this be possible with the delagate or again, which would be the best approach here.