View Full Version : JavaScript or Qt way to update an HTML select box value in webkit?

30th April 2010, 11:14
So I have the following HTML and am trying to change which item is selected.

<select name="coolselectbox">
<option value="default" selected="selected">---</option>
<option value="something">Something</option>
<option value="something-else">Something Else</option>

Here's what I've tried:

QWebElement defaultOpt =

QWebelement somethingOpt =

somethingOpt.setAttribute("selected", "selected");

And then also:

QWebElement selectBox =

selectBox.setAttribute("value", "something-else");

However neither of these seems to get the job done, at least visually, however I may have overlooked something.

Does anyone know a Qt solution, or is there perhaps some JavaScript snippet I can run to do this? Also what about a similar approach for radio buttons, which are essentially the same thing?

29th April 2011, 23:50
I've the exact same problem.

I also tried using ...

selectBox.setAttribute("value", "something-else");

... which worked fine at inputs. Lost now.

Added after 19 minutes:

element.evaluateJavaScript("this.selectedIndex = 2");

that works