View Full Version : QTableView Signal when nothing is selected

10th May 2010, 09:45
Hi there!

I'm using a QWizardPage containing a QTableView. I need to connect a QTableView signal to a method called isSelected() (which checks whether anything is selected in the table view). In turn, isSelected emits the completed() signal when a selection is made in the table view.

My problem is this: I need to gray out the finish button if nothing is selected in the table view. In order to achieve this, I need to know when a user de-selects all items in the QTableView. None of the standard signals (Pressed(), Clicked(), etc) emit anything when a selection is de-selected.

Please help!

Thanks for your time!


10th May 2010, 15:00
Check if QItemSelectionModel::selectionChanged () suits you Brother