View Full Version : Performance problem with processEvents() on Mac OSX

10th May 2010, 14:01
Dear all,

- I have a SplashScreen form with a progressBar. and another class is doing processing in a large loop.

- the processing is emiting a signal that's connected to a slot in SplashScreen that updates progress-Bar value and calls processEvents()

- the problem is that when the processing loop was greater than 17,000,000 turns, progress takes over one hour in Mac OSX. however, the same loop took around 2 minutes in Windows and Linux.


class SplashScreen : public QWidget

SplashScreen(QWidget *parent = 0);

public slots:
void progress(qint32) ;


void SplashScreen::progress(qint32 percent)
ui.progressBar->setValue(percent) ;
qApp->processEvents() ;

processing code:

Source code

connect(this, SIGNAL(progress(qint32)), splashScreenObj, SLOT(progress(qint32))) ;
for(int i=0;i<count;++i)
int percent = (int)((i/count) * 100.0f)
emit progress( percent) ;

How can I solve that ?

Thanks in advance,

Ahmed Bedier