View Full Version : Qt Windows XPembedded debug version problem[SOLVED]

10th May 2010, 17:43
I have a problem when starting a debug version of a program into the target machine.
I need to start the debug application because I need to remote debug it using Visual Studio.
The application works on release but when starting on debug I get this message:
"The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0150002). Click on OK to terminate the application."
I used "Dependency Walker" to check that all libs needed are on the system and there is no errors, so I used "Dependency Walker" to profile the debug application. This is the error that I get from it:

Started "MyApp.EXE" (process 0xA70) at address 0x00400000. Successfully hooked module.
Loaded "NTDLL.DLL" at address 0x7C900000. Successfully hooked module.
Loaded "KERNEL32.DLL" at address 0x7C800000. Successfully hooked module.
DllMain(0x7C900000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x00000000) in "NTDLL.DLL" called.
DllMain(0x7C900000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x00000000) in "NTDLL.DLL" returned 1 (0x1).
DllMain(0x7C800000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x00000000) in "KERNEL32.DLL" called.
DllMain(0x7C800000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x00000000) in "KERNEL32.DLL" returned 1 (0x1).
Injected "DEPENDS.DLL" at address 0x08370000.
DllMain(0x08370000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x00000000) in "DEPENDS.DLL" called.
DllMain(0x08370000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x00000000) in "DEPENDS.DLL" returned 1 (0x1).
Loaded "QTCORED4.DLL" at address 0x67000000. Successfully hooked module.
LDR: LdrpWalkImportDescriptor() failed to probe C:\WINDOWS\system32\QtCored4.dll for its manifest, ntstatus 0xc0150002
Second chance exception 0xC0150002 (Unknown) occurred in "NTDLL.DLL" at address 0x7C964ED1.
Exited "MyApp.EXE" (process 0xA70) with code -1072365566 (0xC0150002).

I'm using Qt 4.6.1 for VS2008(not compiled, just downloaded from the web) and VS2008.

Does anyone have an idea of the problem?


The problem was on Windows Manifest file. It needs to be copied into the "C:\Windows\System32\WinSxS" directory. If anyone have the same problem I can tell him how to solve this.


19th May 2010, 11:29

Can you please tell me how to solve this? I have the exact same issue.


26th July 2010, 15:52
I have the same problem under visual studio 2005 with Debug version,
Please share your solution

Thank you in advance

17th August 2010, 03:35
I have same problem with debug mode,
I really need that solution. plz tell me the solution more detail.

Thank you.