View Full Version : Maximum of QNetworkManagers that can download at the same time

11th May 2010, 20:29

my application might have several QNetworkManagers downloading some data at the same time. It happens sometimes that my program crashes and when I look at the crash report, it seems that this has something to do with the QNetworkManagers. So now, I'm wondering if there is a limit on the maximum number of managers that can perform a download operation at the same time.

Is there such a limit ? If so what is its value ? Is there a way to determine how many managers are currently downloading ?

12th May 2010, 09:19
What is a QNetworkManager?
It's not mentioned in the Qt documentation

12th May 2010, 09:20
Sorry for the typo, it's actually: QNetworkAccessManager

12th May 2010, 11:19
What do you do with the QNetworkReply pointers?
Do you delete them somewhere? Where do you delete them?

There's no real limit as far as I can tell, but a computer always has limits. Multiple network access managers shouldn't be a problem as far as you keep the number of managers low. Don't create thousands of them.