View Full Version : another ide on linux ?

13th May 2010, 08:40
I like to use ms vs.net addon
and 64bit precompiled QTlibs for vs.net.(found on sourceforge)

how about the most stable 3rt party ide for QT ?
is QT creator is the best natural choice or what would you prefer ?


13th May 2010, 12:38
Erm, not sure if I understand your question. If you want to use MS VS Addon, you have to use MS VS.

Else best IDE would be Qt Creator in my opinion.

As for Qt libs, you can just compile them yourself.

13th May 2010, 12:53
Since september last year I am using Qt creator both on Linux and windows (msys/mingw). Under Linux as a
precompiled package using Fedora, under windows I downloaded it from the Qt site and installed mingw/msys

Very happy with it and the interoperability between the two OS's. Very intuitive, and for me, a success.


13th May 2010, 14:38
I personally prefer kdevelop. Works well with Qt.