View Full Version : Scrolling in signal Window

14th May 2010, 05:18
On scrolling every time a new signal window is created and data redraws again,how can i find a pericular area(QRubberband area) is there in that window or not after scrolling. So that i can redraw the rubber band again

14th May 2010, 07:52
On scrolling every time a new signal window is created and data redraws again,how can i find a pericular area(QRubberband area) is there in that window or not after scrolling. So that i can redraw the rubber band again
How can i store the signal time value and how can i check the timing on each scroll.

14th May 2010, 10:20
How can i store the signal time value and how can i check the timing on each scroll.

I am able to find it out that a perticular rubber band was place in that area or not?

But how can i get the x position of the window at perticular time? Please help me..