View Full Version : Programming user interface advice

18th May 2010, 20:56

In my project I going to generate a user interface through programming. Scalability of this UI is very important requirement.

So far I am using two dimensional graphics for generating the UI. I think there may be different solutions but for the moment I know only two.

First one is supplying X,Y coordinates of each two dimensional graphic on my UI.(I do not prefer this solution because I do not want to calculate X,Y coordinates of each graphic. For the moment I don't have a logic for doing this easily)

Second one(which is currently I am using now) is using layouts which organizes its contents according to size of item. In this solution I don't have to calculate X,Y coordinates of each item.(Layout is doing this for me) But this approach may have its own pitfalls.

I am very new to user interface programming.
Can you give me advice about this issue?

18th May 2010, 21:20
I think 99% of us are using layouts for their ui. The rest is yours to deduce :)

18th May 2010, 21:50
Give me a L!
Give me an A!
Give me a Y!
Give me an O!
Give me an U!
Give me a T!


P.s.: Yes, I'm not an individualist and I go with the flow... but in that case, it's perfect!

18th May 2010, 22:36
The one time I used a grid-like approach was when I was programming a calendar, where the days needed to be arranged in a grid.

And the way I solved that problem was to write my own calendar layout class, and use that as a layout. The big advantage was freedom from fixed-size constraints and calculations - just drop whatever widget I was using into the layout by day number (1-31) and the layout would deal with the size and positioning.

meraj ansari
19th May 2010, 06:36
I also faced the issues with layouts but after spending 2-3 days the layout stuff seems to clear to me.
It is much better solution but complex to understand fully.